Lazarson™ Aloe Vera is considered to be a nutritional store house. It is said to be provide the necessary amino acids, enzymes, Minerals, Vitamins, etc, support digestion and enhance nutrient absorption. It is also considered to act as an Anti-Oxidant, neutralize free radicals and acts as Immune Booster.Lazarson™ Aloe Vera Juice is Organic Certified Product.Aloe vera juice is EWxtracted from well matured Aloe vera Barbadanis Plant Leaves.100% pure and Result oriented,Best Quality Product.
date_rangeFeb 12' 2019 / India
date_rangeOct 29' 2018 / India
date_rangeOct 28' 2018 / India
date_rangeOct 22' 2018 / India